Branches of Christian Street Team

Branch Descriptions

  1. Dynasty

    Postive Music branch.

  2. Safety Team

    Volunteers that help to encourage a positive up-beat environment and having positive role models in places of recreation.

  3. Event Planning

    Help create and put on positive concerts, givewaway, cookouts and other community events regularly that the community has consistent free access to that encourages community involvement and participation.

  4. Community Assistance Programs

    Utilizing information and resources from Volunteers and other Organizations that create opportunities and provide assistance to help the homeless, hungry, unemployed and under-served.

  5. Christian Unity Team

    Unifying churches to know each other's events for people to attend, and solicit promotion for attendance.

  6. Prayer and Praise Team

    Creating teams, promoting productivity, praising, and prayer that are prepared to partake in CST Events.

  7. Board of Activities

    Arranging a board that can create positive sporting tournaments, festivals, and other positive events in a city hall setting.

  8. Reduce Gang Violence

    Volunteers who can relate to the lower levels of our communities that promote peace, productivity, Christian values, etc. through CST and mentorship programs.